• Н. Басина Донской Государственный технический университет
Keywords: family, parenthood / parenting, motherhood, fatherhood, child-parent relations, family pedagogy, institute, subinstitute, child-centricism, egalitarianism, family studies


The article presents an analysis of the sociodynamics of the family, its institutional modifications, which caused a variety of family forms and transformed the subinstitute of parenthood. The article summarizes the versions proposed by different authors and traces the current trends in the development of the sub-institute of parenthood. The author analyzes the heuristic possibilities of the concept of a sub-institute as a set of regulators regulating a typical fragment of social relations within the institute. It is noted that since the subinstitutions of marriage, matrimony, kinship, property, parenthood are included in the institution of the family, they can be considered in an institutional context. The author names the causes of the crisis of the modern subinstitutionof parenthood and considers the new practices of parental behavior caused by it. The modern subinstitute of parenthood, as shown by the author, is largely provided by the historical emergence of individualized parenthood as a fundamentally new structure that ensures the socialization of the child population.

Author Biography

Н. Басина , Донской Государственный технический университет

доктор философских наук, профессор


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How to Cite
Басина , Н. 2021. “ИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ СЕМЬИ И СУБИНСТИТУЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ПРОФИЛЬ РОДИТЕЛЬСТВА: НОВЫЕ ПРАКТИКИ ”. EurasianUnionScientists 4 (12(81), 13-17. https://archive.euroasia-science.ru/index.php/Euroasia/article/view/356.