The growing interest in mountainous areas is accompanied by the expansion of the process of involving unique landscapes in economic circulation, which often leads to a disruption of the natural balance. Consequently, the need for a change in the inertial paradigm, reorientation of the development of society to the path of constructing a sustainable system of environmental management is becoming more acute. This idea can be realized through the creation of ecological and economic zones, which imply the implementation of the concept of landscape organization and proportionality on the basis of the conservation and functionality of mountain landscapes.
Background. The main purpose of the article is to actualize the urgent need to find a compromise between the market aspirations of various categories of nature users and the system of protected areas in the mountainous zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR). To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:
- identification of the peculiarities of mountain valley landscapes in relation to the concepts of "threshold" and "capacity";
- analysis of the possibilities of ecological optimization of the use of functional landscapes;
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- search for a compromise option for co-development of the main types of landscapes that are of practical importance.
Methods. In accordance with the intended goal and tasks, the authors relied on the following research methods:
- using the cartographic method, the centers of the impact of large hazardous natural processes on functional landscapes were considered and their paragenetic connections with adjacent fragments of geosystems were analyzed;
- the route method made it possible to trace the indicative connections between disturbed geo-complexes and anthropogenic pressure on the mountain-valley complexes Bashil - Chegem section of the high-mountain reserve;
- based on the predictive method, it is recommended to impose an additional tourist and recreational function on mountain-meadow landscapes;
- on the basis of an experimental method, the achievement of a critical level of sparseness and death of ageold pines within the forest park landscapes of the Elbrus region was confirmed.
This publication is based on theoretical and empirical studies of Russian and foreign scientists: Isachenko A.G., Kochurova B.I., Beruchashvili N.L., supplemented by the specification of the territory under consideration.
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