• R. Shahnazarli Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • N. Ishenko Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • A. Guliyev Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • G. Ramazanov Sumgait State University
  • A. Aliyeva Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • J. Fattayeva Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Keywords: polyvinyl chloride, epoxycyclopropane, thiol, composition, thermal stability, color stability, biostabilizer


During exploitation of PVC products, the negative impact of high temperatures and light, and also the destructive influence of various microorganisms, leads to the deterioration of physical-mechanical properties and change of products painting. For prevention of the dehydrochlorination process of PVC, it is necessary to use the effective complex stabilizers, including biostabilizers, differing with their high processability and simultaneously possessing biocidal properties. 

In this work the results of investigations of influence of the synthesized sulphur-containing epoxycyclopropanes as stabilizing additives for prevention of the dehydrochlorination process of the compositions based on plasticized PVC have been presented. The influence of these compounds as co-stabilizers in the composition of complex stabilizers – stearates Ca (CaSt2) and Zn (ZnSt2) on thermo- and light stability of PVCcompositions and also on their physical-mechanical and exploitation indices has been studied. It has been established the synthesized epoxy- and cyclopropane-containing mono- and disulphides jointly with stearic acid salts form the synergic mixtures, which can improve the physical-mechanical properties of PVC compositions, their thermal and light stability.

Author Biographies

R. Shahnazarli , Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

PhD(Chemistry), leading researcher of laboratory “Functional “smart” polymers”

N. Ishenko , Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

PhD(Chemistry), head of laboratory “Physical-chemical analysis”

A. Guliyev , Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemistry, professor, head of “Functional “smart” polymers”

G. Ramazanov , Sumgait State University

Doctor of Chemistry, professor, department of Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering

A. Aliyeva , Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

PhD(Chemistry) senior researcher of laboratory  "Photosensitive and optically transparent polymer materials”

J. Fattayeva , Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

technician of laboratory “Functional “smart” polymers”


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How to Cite
Shahnazarli , R., N. Ishenko, A. Guliyev, G. Ramazanov, A. Aliyeva, and J. Fattayeva. 2021. “THERMO- AND LIGHT STABILIZING ACTIVITY OF VINYLOXYCLOPROPANE ADDUCTS WITH THIOLS IN THE COMPOSITIONS BASED ON PVC ”. EurasianUnionScientists 2 (1(82), 49-54.