The greatest crisis, which is being experienced by the world economy, has not come unexpectedly, since it was predicted with a sufficient degree of precision. Moreover, the matters, causing obstacles for the transformation in the period of transition from the mixed economy to the intellectual economy, have been studied well enough and the technologies of the harmonious transformation have not just been developed but also successfully approbated. However, the crisis is escalating with increasing strength, and many analysts are warning against the risk of irreversible losses, that threaten the mankind with self-destruction due to the effect of 'the lacuna' and 'the gap' between the speed of changes in life conditions and the velocity of growth of human and humanity abilities to adapt to fast changing conditions of ecological, economic, technological and political reality.
As anticipated, the main problem turned out to be the intellectual inertia. Despite the fact that the system analysis of the global crisis in education, which does not any longer provide the human and humanity with the proper competencies, even those necessary for the survival, was published by F.G.Coobles back in 1968, the approaches which are long outdated and, therefore, have become dangerous, are still widely spread all over the world. The reports of the Roman club have repeatedly highlighted that the overcoming of 'the lacuna' effect requires new approaches to education, but this has not led to large scale practical results, in spite of the fact, that the task of the development of the new system of the continuous anti-crisis education (for all ages) was accomplished back in the USSR and the experimental model proved to be efficient in process of the 20 years approbation in conditions of the Russian Federation. The psychological bareers arising during the transition from the programme goal method to the system-synergetic approach, from the crisis model of economy to value-sense one, from the subject-object relations to the subject-subject ones and others, have turned to be hard to overcome without the help of specialists, equipped with the methods of the value-sense management, which enable each subject, experiencing the negative impact of the modern economic crisis, to successfully overcome it. This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of the author's scientific-practical school of the value-sense management as a means of overcoming the modern economic crisis.
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