USE OF THE Blended Learning Method in the Process of Studying a Foreign Language at a University

  • Н. Мурадова Tashkent Financial Institute
Keywords: Blended Learning, traditional and e-learning, foreign language, Internet communications.


The article discusses the use of the blended learning method in the process of studying a foreign language at a university, notes important factors for the successful integration of this method, the feasibility of various types of productive tasks, l the advantages of innovative technical achievements, gives a characteristic of blended learning models and its use to prepare students for independent productive activity.

Author Biography

Н. Мурадова , Tashkent Financial Institute

Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Uzbek and Foreign Languages"


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How to Cite
Мурадова , Н. 2021. “USE OF THE Blended Learning Method in the Process of Studying a Foreign Language at a University”. EurasianUnionScientists 3 (2(83), 35-37.