The formation of a territory brand is a responsible and multi-tasking project that requires the joint work of specialists from various fields. This process includes a number of stages, each of which must be worked out in detail.
Тихонова Н. Брендинг территории и оценка его эффективности: автореф. дис. к. э. н. — СПб., 2012.
Луговая О.А., Фролов Д.П. Территориальный маркетинг в преддверии чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 г. в России: мировой опыт // Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования. — 2014. — №01(109). — С. 32-43.
Панкрухин А.П. Маркетинг территорий. — СПб.: Питер, 2013.
Авторская работа.
A work licensed in this way allows the following:
1. The freedom to use and perform the work: The licensee must be allowed to make any use, private or public, of the work.
2. The freedom to study the work and apply the information: The licensee must be allowed to examine the work and to use the knowledge gained from the work in any way. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering."
2. The freedom to redistribute copies: Copies may be sold, swapped or given away for free, in the same form as the original.