• I. Gadim
Keywords: literary critic, satiric poetry, folklore collector, archive, repression


The article is devoted to Salman Mumtaz, who played an exceptional role in the development of Azerbaijani literature. It is emphasized here that Salman Mumtaz spent his childhood in Ashgabat, but he lived the next part of his life in the native country Azerbaijan. Knowing a number of Eastern, including Turkish and Russian languages perfectly Salman had shown interest in the reading of world literature. This enthusiasm pushed him to research-study gradually. Although his first published research work was related to Persian literature, he later showed interest in the study of Azerbaijani literature.

Author Biography

I. Gadim

PhD. ,Associate professor 


1. History of Azerbaijani literature. In 3 volumes, I volume. Baku: Azerb.EA publishing, 1960, 500 p.
2. Dadashzade A. Salman Mumtaz. Caravan of ideas. Baku, Yazichi, 1984, p. 109-119
3. Afandiyev P. Azerbaijan oral folk literature. Baku, Maarif, 1981, 407 p.
4. Safarli A, Yusifli Kh. History of Azerbaijani literature. Baku: “Ozan”, 2008, 696 p.
5. Nabiyev A. Azerbaijan folk literature. In 2 8. Salman Mumtaz. Sources of Azerbaijan volumes. 2 volume. Baku, Elm, 2006, 648 p. literature. Baku, Avrasiya press, 2006, p. 440
6. Tahirzade A. Salman Mumtaz. Biography 9. Salman Mumtaz. Sheikh Nizami. Newspaper essay. Baku: “Kur”, 2002, 16 “Communist”. Baku, 1925, № 222
7. Salman Mumtaz. Sources of Azerbaijan literature. Baku, Yazichi, 1986, 445, p. 32
How to Cite
Gadim , I. 2021. “SALMAN MUMTAZ’S LITERATURE-STUDY ACTIVITY ”. EurasianUnionScientists 5 (3(84), 26-30.