The materials of the publication reflect the norms of time for laboratory studies carried out by veterinary
laboratories in the subjects of the Russian Federation. In turn, their further application can serve as a basis for the
effective use of budgetary funds, labor resources, scientific justification of the need for a full-time number of
veterinary specialists. For the effective use of the working time of veterinary specialists engaged in laboratory
diagnostics of animal diseases, time standards have been developed for the implementation of the enzyme
immunoassay reaction, inhibition of hemagglutination, polymerase chain reaction. The norms of time for the
implementation of veterinary measures, the time of preparatory and final and other types of work in laboratories
have been established based on 1, 10, 100 samples. Methods and techniques of work performance, working time
costs for each element of work, actual production were studied; the results of photochronometric and time-lapse
observations were analyzed
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